Welcome to the Shrine of Our Lady of the Rosary of Fatima & St. Cajetan Traditional Roman Catholic Church
Even if the Catholic Faithful to tradition are reduced to a handful, they are the ones that are the true Church of Jesus Christ (St. Anthanasius to his flock)
Turn then, most gracious advocate, thine eyes of mercy towards us!
The Mass is the same as the Sacrifice of the Cross. Jesus Christ is the Innocent Victim at the same time as He is the High Priest offering Himself to God for men. The difference between the two is that in the Sacrifice of the Cross Christ physically shed His Blood for men, but in the Sacrifice of the Mass, He makes present in this moment in time that the same sacrifice is an unbloody manner. It is the unchanging TRUE MASS as celebrated for 20 centuries by Saints and Popes....The same ROMAN CATHOLIC MASS adhered to by your forfathers.....The same HOLY SACRIFICE for which so many martyrs gave their lives...."If only men knew how the Eternal Father regards this Sacrifice, they would risk their lives to be present at a single Mass"-Padre Pio

*Mass Saturday 9:00 am*
(Please check bulletin or current schedule to confirm)
*Mass Sunday 10 :00 am*
(Confessions start 9:00 am)
Call Fr. Molina if you need to receive the sacraments in your home or hospital
(320) 266-4914
Saturday House Calls!
Join us after Mass on Sundays for a breakfast potluck!
Mass Schedule 3/23-3/30
Sunday March 23- 10:00 am
Saturday March 29- 9:00 am
Sunday March 30-10:00 am
Weekly Sunday Bulletin

" Therefore, brethren, stand fast: and hold the traditions, which you have learned, whether by word or by our epistle..."
(2 Thessalonians 2:14)
Roman Catholic Pre-Vatican II – Traditional Latin Mass
10360 Atlanta Ave., Weeki Wachee, Florida 34614
Office 352-556-2869